The Pending Notification service is located in Manage Scheduled Tasks (Which controls all automated tasks). This is where you will set how often you want the scheduler to check the email status of events and items.
The email configurations (which company contacts receive the email and on what set of circumstances) is set in the Company Details (Contacts Tab).
Some emails are sent manually and some are sent automatically.
TIR - This Email is send manually by the operator after running the TIR report operation. (Report Option on the System Pull Down Menu)
LFD - This Email is sent manually by the operator after running the LFD report option. (Report Option on the System Pull Down Menu)
Shipment Status - This Email is sent manually by the operator by clicking on the Notification button on the shipment and choosing Send Now. Other recipients can be added on this screen.
Event Confirmation - This Email is sent automatically when the appropriate event(s) - as configured on the company - are marked as confirmed.
Accessorial Notification - This Email is sent automatically when the appropriate amount type(s) (As set in Amount Types configured on the bill to the company) is added to the shipment.
Accessorial Authorization - This email is sent automatically when the appropriate amount type(s) (As set in Amount Types and configured on the bill to company) is added to the shipment and the status on the shipment is set to Authorized. Processing of the return authorization is done at the time of billing.