Profit Tools has a feature that will allow for the lookup of bill to companies based on origin and destination points. Administrative level users have access to this table to enter origins, destinations, and bill to companies. Each location must be entered into Profit Tools on the company entry screen and the combination of origin and destination points must be unique. There can be only one bill to for each pair of origin and destination points.
Go to the BILLING menu and select Bill To Origin/Destination Points shortcut Alt B P
- Click Add, or use Alt+A to add a new line to the table.
- Enter a company name into the origin field. Standard company lookup will apply using name match company selection, wildcard selection, or company code name shortcuts.
- Tab from the origin field and enter the destination company.
- Tab again and enter the bill to company.
- Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each origin/destination combination desired.
- Click save to complete the setup and save changes.
- Close the Bill To Origin/Destination Points window.
Entering a new order into Profit Tools, the origin and destination points must be entered, then simply enter a question mark (?) into the bill to field. The resulting bill to company will be retrieved from the list and entered into the shipment.