Auto Rate Lookup
This feature allows you to see what the Auto Rates will produce for charges.
Using the auto rate lookup feature you can verify your rate tables or use it to give a quote to a customer. To use the auto rate lookup feature:
- Go to the Rating menu and select Auto Rate Lookup or use the shortcut ALT R A.
- Select the type of rate from the drop down box.
- Select a Code Name or Name from the drop down boxes.
- Select an Origin zone or enter a Zip code, City or State.
- Select a Destination zone or enter a Zip code, City or State.
- Enter a Quantity, Total weight or number of Miles if you are rating by one of these.
- If you’re rating this by the Quantity Select Bill or Pay in the upper right corner depending if this is a rate for a shipment or a payable.
- By default, the Base Table box will be checked to generate a rate according to your base rate tables. If you have custom rate tables for select customers you can uncheck Base Table and enter a company name in the Customer field. Any user alerts that exist for that customer will appear to remind users of possible special rating conditions for that customer.
- Finally, click the Rate button to generate the rate.
The option to View Comparison of Rating Methods is used to identify which of the auto rating methods produces the quickest result. Changing the auto rating method is still in beta, all installations should be using Classic Rating
Rate Lookup
Rate Lookup will enable you to search through your shipment history to find methods used to rate similar shipments.
The Rate Lookup module functions similarly to the search screen in that the fewer search fields utilized, the broader the search return results. The more fields that you utilize will result in a more focused search.
Rates can be searched by bill to customer, by shipper, by consignee, by mileage, by weight, by item type, by rate type, by description, by zip code match, city or state, or by any combination.
There are several ways to access Rate List Lookup.
- Display a shipment and choose Rate List Lookup from the Current Menu;
- From the search screen highlight a shipment and choose the Rate Lookup button from the bottom of the screen;
- From the shipment summary screen highlight a shipment and choose the Rate Lookup button from the bottom of the screen.
Lookup results are limited to 20 lines by default to keep the time it takes to retrieve the information short. Increase the 'Row Limit' number to retrieve additional rows of matching shipments. Entering a value of 0 (zero) will result in an unrestricted result where ALL matching results will be displayed.
Profit Tools has added the Carrier field in the results section and selected rates. You can sort the resulting data when you click the Column Headings. One click to sort ascending, a second click to sort descending.
Lookup by Name
Lookup by Name offers you the ability to search for shipments for a specific Bill To company, or from a specific Shipper, or to a specific Consignee. Refine your search by utilizing additional search criteria, specify a shipper and a consignee will limit the results to that matching set.
Lookup by Description
Use the Match Description to find rating information based on similar commodity of goods. The text entered in the Match Description filed will return results of an exact match only.
For example, typing "ROLLS OF STEEL" into the description filed results in a search set for any shipment where 'ROLLS OF STEEL' appears in the description. Typing "STEEL" will yield all shipments where 'STEEL' appears in the description, SKIDS OF STEEL, STEEL PLATE, STRUCTURAL STEEL, etc.
Lookup by rate Type and Item Type
You can use the Rate Type field by itself "Show me all CLASS rates", or as a "filter" to limit the results of another lookup, such as "Show me all FLAT rates for shipper XYZ".
Rate Types available are (NONE), CLASS, FLAT, PER MILE, PER UNIT, MINIMUM, and (blank) ALL.
Item Types available are FREIGHT, ACCESSORIAL, and ALL.
Weight and Mileage Lookups
You can use Weight and Mileage Lookups to drill down to freight that closely matches your inquiry. When you specify a lower and upper weight the result set will show you how you rated freight of the similar weight. Specifying a mileage range will return shipments where the miles field has been used, not the miles between origin and destination.
City, State and Zip Code Lookup
You have the ability to search the origin and destination by City, State and Zip Code. You can use these fields to retrieve shipments shipped from the origin and shipped to the destination by any or all of these fields yielding a refined result.
You do not have to enter the entire zip codes. You can use partial zip codes to allow for zone lookup.
Try This: Start with a Pzip (pickup zip code) and enter 070 (Northern New Jersey). Tab to the Dzip (delivery zip code) and enter 038 (South Eastern New Hampshire). Click Retrieve, and all shipments from North New Jersey to Southern New Hampshire will be displayed.
Shipper and Bill To details will give you the opportunity to find a load for a driver who might be stuck in that area. Almost instantly you will know from whom you obtained the previous load, where it went, and how much it paid.