Occasionally, a shipment will need to have events added to the itinerary list, possibly there are additional pickups or deliveries that have to be recorded. Events are added to the shipment itinerary event list the same way for all types of shipments.
First move the mouse pointer to the insertion point where the additional event will be placed. The insertion point arrow will turn red indicating its selection.
Click the insertion arrow and a new event will be added to the shipment itinerary list. A pop up menu will appear. Select the type of event to add from the pop up menu. Profit Tools will remove an event just added to a shipment itinerary if no event type is chosen.
If additional pick ups or deliveries are added to a shipment, Profit Tools can automatically add a stop off item to the charges.
Once the event has been added and the event type chosen, enter the company location where the event will occur.
Profit Tools will route events to an itinerary automatically under certain circumstances. For instance if an event is inserted between a Hook event and a Drop event that is already routed. The new event will be routed to the same itinerary. However, if a Hook event is routed after the Drop, Profit Tools will not route the new event to the original itinerary.
The ability to hide yard move and cross dock events on custom invoices does exist. We have also standardized this for the system generated invoices. Yard move events will display in red on the shipment (hide on bill) immediately. Cross dock events will change to hide on bill after the shipment status changes to audited or authorized. Please see the appropriate system settings for hiding yard moves and cross docks.
Bobtail events can exist on a shipment, bobtail will actually be a hook/drop set of events. These events will be in italics to flag the user that they are indeed representing a bobtail. This action will cause a 'bobtail' item to be entered. This item that is added can automatically be rated using the code defaults and set up to pay the driver from the rate table pay side.